Elixir Digital Media

10 Facts you should know about SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is now a crucial component of any digital marketing plan for a brand. Here is a handy checklist of the core SEO principles that make up the best SEO strategies.

  1. SEO is not a sprint but a marathon

SEO is an ongoing process.   A website that is fully optimised does not exist. Your website will never be completely “optimised,” but rather, it will only grow better as you put more work into it.

  1. SEO cannot be a replacement of PPC.

The choice between SEO and PPC is never in question. The goals of SEO and PPC are different from one another and works best together. For reaching your long-term objectives, SEO is perfect. PPC, on the other hand, is effective at achieving immediate objectives.

  1. SEO and Google Ranking is different

Even though Google is the most popular search engine, there are several more that send visitors to your website. Don’t only Google-optimize your website. It tells us a lot just by itself why it’s called “Search Engine Optimization” rather than “Google Optimization.”

  1. SEO can increase Click-Through Rate (CTR)

In addition to improving Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP), well-written Meta descriptions also increase the likelihood that a user will click on your Search Result.

  1. URL structure is important for SEO.

Dynamic URLs are challenging for both users and search engines to grasp and remember. Adding the appropriate keywords to URL structure may significantly improve your website’s SEO performance.

  1. Image Search

Don’t forget to describe your photos with a description and add Alt-text to your images. There is an Image Search section on every search engine.

  1. Site Speed Matters

Page speed has been acknowledged as one of the most significant SEO ranking factors since a long time. Recently, Google added Page Experience to its list of ranking factors and included it in the Core Web Vitals along with other metrics like mobile friendliness and safe browsing.

  1. SEO is not a click-bait strategy

Nevertheless, your site’s descriptions and keywords encourage visitors to click through. Your content shouldn’t be misleading or exaggerated because doing so will increase your bounce rate and cause Google and other search engines to penalise your website.

  1. You shouldn’t rely just on SEO as a marketing tool.

Although SEO is a crucial component of any digital marketing strategy, it would be absurd to rely just on SEO to market your company’s website in the current digital world.

  1. Content with Context is king

Even when search engines trust your content, relevancy is still the key to improving your ranking. Write for people first, then for search engines.

Connect with us to include SEO in your marketing strategy. At Elixir, our expertise in creating SEO strategies that drives exposure, traffic, rankings, and conversions can take your business to new heights. We assist to boost your brand’s online visibility by using well-researched, targeted, and brand-specific Search Engine Optimization.


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